3D Printable and Never Ending – Say Hi to Michelin’s Tyre of the Future

In the Movin’On International Summit of 2017, Michelin had a surprise waiting for every tyre manufacturer company around the world. Under the dazzling lights, they unveiled a strange object that they dubbed the tyre of the future. It was a non-pneumatic, organic looking piece of technology that could be 3D printed in manufacturing plants, and will have the advantage of changing its tread patterns within a matter of minutes to better handle the road condition.

Michelin named it the VISION concept. It is a unique combination of airless structure, easy to reprint 3D treads and advanced computer-aided design method.

The Michelin VISION is an amalgamation of three key technologies.

  1. Non-pneumatic wheel

Tyre companies around the world agree on one crucial thing; car tyres of the future will be airless in construction. The inherent weakness that plagues a pneumatic tyre will be absent, giving car owners a much safer, controllable, and hassle-free ride. The VISION is no exception.

It uses a design inspired by nature. Instead of spokes and tubes, its lattice-like structure will provide much sturdier support and will not wear out as quickly as conventional tyres do. Furthermore, Michelin made it using recyclable materials to reduce the carbon footprint at the same time.

  1. Re-treadable

Today, whenever a car tyre wears out, a car owner has to swap it for a brand new one. Michelin aims to eradicate that issue. The VISION uses a unique compound that is 3D printable, so whenever the tread depth decreases you can 3D print it to make it like new again.

It will also mean that you will be able to change the tread design as per your requirement. In the Movin’On summit, Michelin showed off a feature where you will be able to turn it from a summer car tyre to a winter type in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, as the material itself is bio-degradable, tyre shavings after a 3D sculpting will not harm the environment.

  1. Better Connectivity

Michelin also promised a system that will be able to ‘talk’ to each other. With this new concept tyre, you will be able to check its condition and change its tread patterns in advance without even powering on your vehicle.

Michelin_s Tyre

Use of advanced computer-aided designing

While designing their first prototype, Michelin used artificial intelligence to understand better and replicate designs that occur in nature. In the last few years, scientists have discovered that models derived from other life forms (like corals and plants) can withstand much higher stress and last a lot longer. With the help of advanced computers, engineers are now understanding and creating designs that were previously thought impossible. The VISION is a clear example of that.

While you should not expect to see this among the stock of Superior Cars Tyres Northampton any time soon, this new tyre shows what a company like Michelin has to offer to the world, and what car owners of tomorrow should expect when they go to a store. By blending analytical and intuitive thinking, they have created a product fit for the future.